Insanity, nowhere in the article does Mona say anything about wearing or not wearing hijab. Nowhere in the article does she say anything bad about the Quran. Nowhere in the article does she propose that the Middle East copies the West. What she is doing is pointing out oppressive laws and actions made my Arab men that are crimes against women. It doesn't really matter what the Quran says on the matter of virginity tests, because the police in Egypt are performing virginity tests anyway. It doesn't matter what the Quran says about executing rapists, because no country in the Middle East is executing rapists. It doesn't matter that the Quran gave rights to women because NO self proclaimed Muslim country is giving women these rights.

Why can't you point out the crimes against women in this society without it being an insult to Islam? I think the fact that these crimes are happening are insult to Islam enough aren't they?