An article on sex-selective abortion in Canada, for those of you who say I didn't mention the West:

Birth numbers suggest female-fetus abortions more common in Asian-Canadian communities: study

By Derek Abma, Postmedia News April 16, 2012

* Story
* Photos ( 2 )

Newborn babies rest at a hospital in the northern Indian city of Lucknow in this July 11, 2009, file photo. A Canadian Medical Journal study suggests that Indo-Canadian mothers may be aborting female fetuses more than other groups, particularly for second and third babies.

Newborn babies rest at a hospital in the northern Indian city of Lucknow in this July 11, 2009, file photo. A Canadian Medical Journal study suggests that Indo-Canadian mothers may be aborting female fetuses more than other groups, particularly for second and third babies.
Photograph by: Pawan Kumar , Reuters

A study showing that South Korean- and Indian-born women in Canada have an unusually high proportion of boys born as second babies is shining a spotlight on the issue of sex selection through abortion.

The study, published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, looked at all non-multiple births in Ontario between the years 2002 and 2007, which totalled 766,688.

It found the ratio of boys to girls was generally about 1.05 to one for mothers of all ethnic backgrounds on their first births.

This ratio stayed fairly consistent in subsequent births for mothers of most origins.

However, significant variations were found among mothers born in India and South Korea on their second children.

Indian-born mothers were found to have more boys to girls at a ratio of 1.11, and it was 1.2 for South Korean-born mothers.

That ratio fell back into a normal range for South Korean mothers after their second children. However, for Indian-born mothers, it rose to 1.36 on third babies and was at 1.25 for births beyond that.