MM, that's not throwing the children out, that's taking them from abusive homes and putting them in safe homes with loving families.
Sajmarhab, my mother was a stay at home mother, but I learned as much from her as I did from my father, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, family friends, nursery school, school, etc. Sorry if you didn't have a strong extended family and friends network when you were growing up.
MM, that's not throwing the children out, that's taking them from abusive homes and putting them in safe homes with loving families.
Sajmarhab, my mother was a stay at home mother, but I learned as much from her as I did from my father, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, family friends, nursery school, school, etc. Sorry if you didn't have a strong extended family and friends network when you were growing up.