We Muslims follow our Quran, that is our law, and that is our life, we bow to the one and only Allah (SW) only.and we live our life based on our Quran and this is the instruction from God.
now think about Jewish people, did they follow their scripture (Thorah) NO.. did you know their God name that is also ALLAH (SW). if they follow their Thorah then they have to follow Islam, Quran and the teaching of our belowed Prophet (PBUH), bcoz thorah very clearly mentioned about the oneness of Allah and the coming prohpet Muhammad(PBUH)

now Christianity, did they follow as per the Bible (Injeel) No. eventhough every year they are revising the bible to cop up the current situation they fail.
just ask the follower of the Christianity how many % following the Bible as such or the teaching of Jesus christ (Isa (PBUH)).

if christian wants to follow as per the teaching of bible, then they also need to change to as Muslim, they also mentioning about the ALLAH (SW) and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). did you know, did ever Jesus Christ told the deciples that he is the God and worship him. a BIG NO (as per the continues revised bible) instead he said Bow to Allah (SW) only.

then coming to Hinduism, they have millions of God's, they worship anything everything in the world.

But if you ask any hindu (as per my tiny knowledge) 99% of the Hindus doesnt study the hindu religion as such, they never even seen the hindus scripture (4 vedas).

In vedas it is clearly mentioned what is GOD and how it be worshiped. but the majority of Hindus doesnt follow as per their authentic scripture.

as per hindu scripture. the God, is described as such like, He cannot see by the naked eyes, he dont have any wife, son or father or Mother., he dont have any painting, nobody in this world seen him.

and the God also said, If anybody worship to any Idol, picture, as such a God then he will enter to the darkness of the hell.

and if anyone worship other than this as a God (like, fire, wind, lighting, animals, weather sun, moon etc). he will enter more darkness than the above.

Conclusion:- when we the Muslims try to follow our religion, people doesnt like.

as per the red letter bible where jesus himself said, do not drink wine, and dont eat pork.

when we follow this commandment (it is in Quran also) they dont like. eventhough they dont follow their own scripture...

so many things to write but less space..