First, asking everyone-- national and expat alike-- in Qatar to give a hoot about the environment has absolutely nothing to do, at all, with any of the debates about alchol, or dress, or any of the other cultural issues. Don't muddy the waters.

And 2020-- who the heck CARES if other countries are 'worse' or 'better' than Qatar? the fact is Qatar can improve, and must. It's EVERYONE"S responsibility, and saying someone else uses more isn't an excuse not to change your habits.

And I stand by my statement: moving to sustainable energy could set Qatar up as the next big supplier-- the oil and gas WILL run out eventually, and just imagine if Qatar had a well established sustainable energy program, just waiting to fill the gap? other countries are looking into this but lack the resources for the inital set up: Qatar does not have this problem. And we have an abundance of wind and sun, and an established energy producing sector that could be repurposed, at least in part, to sustainable projects.

scurry away now wee troll