The actions of this man are wrong on more than one account. First of all, shooting an inanimate object (or even an animate one) is never the solution to any problem. Second, he acted in a way that is way too voilent for a father. Last but not least, it is pretty possibly that the little girl was tired and frustrated, and as such, she had every right to go public with her complaint. Who the devil is he to stuff her mouth like this?
The actions of this man are wrong on more than one account. First of all, shooting an inanimate object (or even an animate one) is never the solution to any problem. Second, he acted in a way that is way too voilent for a father. Last but not least, it is pretty possibly that the little girl was tired and frustrated, and as such, she had every right to go public with her complaint. Who the devil is he to stuff her mouth like this?