When you applied for a loan, your company gave assurance to the bank that your last pay and whatever due to you will be transferred to the bank (where you have a loan).
Your company has no choice but to give you an NOC so you could transfer your sponsorship.
Please note that an NOC is valid for 365 days (1 year) from the date of issue.
make sure you have your passport, its a possibility that your company will surrender your passport to Immigration/CID after 90 days. The company will not do it to cause you harm, but they want a clearance from the Immigration that you'll no longer be the company's responsibility.
your RP because of the bank loan.
When you applied for a loan, your company gave assurance to the bank that your last pay and whatever due to you will be transferred to the bank (where you have a loan).
Your company has no choice but to give you an NOC so you could transfer your sponsorship.
Please note that an NOC is valid for 365 days (1 year) from the date of issue.
make sure you have your passport, its a possibility that your company will surrender your passport to Immigration/CID after 90 days. The company will not do it to cause you harm, but they want a clearance from the Immigration that you'll no longer be the company's responsibility.
which bank is it?