The Human Resource Dept.

Respected Sir/Madam,

Sub: Application for a suitable post.

Good day to you!

I would like to submit my C.V. which is attached herewith for your kind perusal & consideration.

Since 1994, I have been discharging my duties & responsibilities in a most efficient and prolific manner in different fields. It is pertinent to mention here that I have put 15 years of experience in procurement field, specialized in Interior Decoration items, in Sultanate of Oman.

Though I have specialized in procurement line, I am well capable of handling clerical & administrative field as well. I have no hesitation to accept the type of job which is challenging, with an enterprising organization where opportunities exist for Innovation, knowledge enhancement and Professional enrichment.

As an added resource, I have a valid Oman Driving License which further increase my scope & facilitate in carrying out my job.

Utilizing my valuable experience and skill, I assure my sincerest effort and performance to the entire satisfaction of my superiors, if I am given an opportunity to work in your esteemed organization / company,

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Mob : +974 66933792
Email : [email protected]



[email protected]
Contact Nos.
+974 66933792 (Doha)
+91 496 2548642 (India)

Permanent Address:
“Edavana Meethal House”,
Orkkatteri (P.O.),
Vatakara Taluk,
Calicut Dist. – 673 501.
Kerala State, India.
Ph.: 0496-2548642

Personal Data

D.O.B. : 14th May, 1967
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Religion : Hindu
Marital Status: Married
Passport No. : H 7771855
Validity : 12th Nov., 2019
Having valid Oman Driving License. OBJECTIVE:

To work in a competitive and challenging environment by fully utilizing my academic and interpersonal skills and to contribute the best of my ability, knowledge, skills and experience towards the growth and progress of the Organization for a challenging and rewarding career.


Graduate – B.Sc.(Physics)
Calicut University, Calicut, India.


Post Graduate Diploma in System Management from N.I.I.T.,
Bangalore, India.


• Independent correspondence with various agencies and suppliers.
• Good analytical skills.
• Good knowledge in Microsoft Excel, Word, Office, Microsoft Outlook. Power Point.
• Thorough knowledge about procurement (Local & Import).
• Thorough knowledge of Maintenance of stock inventory.
• Familiar with custom clearance formalities.
• Conversant with accounting procedures.
• Well versed in office administration.
• Good in price negotiation with suppliers.

Total 15 years experience in sultanate of Oman.1996 to 2011
M/s. Services & Trade Co. L.L.C.
(One of the leading Interior Decoration & Contracting Company in Oman)
Period of Service: Nov., 1997 - Aug., 2011.

Position: Senior Purchase Executive.

Purchase Activities.

• Sourcing and procurement of various materials.
• Verification of Purchase Requests and getting the Budget;
• Forwarding enquiries to different suppliers;
• Collection of Pro-forma invoice from suppliers and its negotiation of prices;
• Comparative quote preparation;
• Purchase Order preparation, Approval, confirmation of order with the supplier;
• Co-ordination with supplier for the delivery of material;
• Processing the payment request and coordination with Finance for releasing payments;
• Collection of documents from supplier and co-ordination with Forwarding Agents for the arrival details of the consignment in case of overseas suppliers;
• Clearing the consignment from Sea port and Air port with proper documents;
• Forwarding the final Goods Receipts Note (GRN) to finance with all Original documents.

Store Activities.
• Handling of all the Import and Local procurement items in stores;
• Minimum stock level maintenance and issue of purchase requisition;
• Issue & Control of material inventory;
• Collection of other bought out items in stores and it’s issues for different projects;
• Co-ordination with freight forwarders & clearing agent for delivery of material;
• Raw material inventory & forecasting with respect to projects;
• Inspection of Material by Quarantine dept and preparation of MIN (Material Inspection Note);
• Printing of GRN ( Good Receipt Note) and forwarding to Purchase Dept with MIN (Material Inspection Note);
• Preparation of Weekly and Monthly stock report;
• Preparation of Issue report and MIS (Management Information System);
• Scheduling workers;
• Co-ordination of Material delivery at sites;
• Ensure the implementation of HSE guidelines.

M/s. Mohd.Bin Khamis Omar Abood & Partners Trading.
Period of Service: Jun., 1996 – Jun.,1997.
Position: Purchase Executive.
• Overall in charge of procurement of Material for construction work.
• Handling of Accounting work.
• Preparation of various reports such as Daily Manpower etc.
• Checking the Labour card and processing the salary.
• Making Purchase order and Goods receipt note.
• Filing documents.
• Preparation of various reports / statements.
M/s. Eniac Computers

Period of Service: May, 1994 -1995.
Position: Computer Instructor.
• Overall in charge of Computer Lab.
• Handling the Accounts.
• Office Administration
Skills competencies
• Excellent communication skills
• Interpersonal skills
• Analytical skills
• Application of Knowledge
English, Hindi & Malayalam


Clerical / Accounts /Computer related jobs


I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
