The thing that strikes me most about these RO(Reverse Osmosis) purification discussions is that those promoting the idea that "water without ions is bad" are typically the groups selling filters that do remove calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. (the "beneficial mineral ions") from the water. It is true that RO removes the "good" minerals along with the harmful contaminants, but it is by no means true that drinking water is the only source (or even the primary source) of these minerals. But one cant deny the fact that the Basic source and need of the menirals for human body is Water, If a person's diet is so bad that they must depend on drinking water to meet the minimum daily requirements of certain minerals, If not they will probably be severely malnourished and have a variety of medical problems.

As we all know that H2O is water and The test done in your house is nothing but electrolysis test which is used to see the TDS (Total Dissolved Substance) in the water, as in electrolysis hydrogen is seprated from oxygen through two electrodes ie: Anode and Exode, TDS if you see any botteled water you will come to know what is TDS,as it is mentioned on every botteled water available.

But the Sales man who came to your house is just fooling you as the water change he is showing you as dirt and contamination is nothing but TDS(Total dissolved Substance) essential menirals such as (calcium,manfnecium,potassium,etc) which is essential for our body,…..
I think this is enough to understand