as the fairy tale story...

It shows how "uncivilized" and ill-mannered a person/poster can be in the virtual world and BUT DOESN'T NECESSARILY MEANS it reflects what that person in the REAL WORLD...and the readers aren't THAT STUPID not to know the difference...thus comments on a topic.

Venting/ranting is "normal" on a website public forum bcoz one posts under a pseudonym...

Well, TO BE HONEST...I like the topic...but I would rather comment on the original ARTICLE by the original poster...which I do. :)

Too bad the princes could only edit her post/comments but couldn't edit the main topic and provide the link...AND she didn't admit she copied it (see comment ABOVE)...maybe the MODS could...since the link has been provided....just to help the poor girl out....

If this how one defines "babbling"...that one should go consult WEBSTER or go back to school...

I rest my case :)