Well, theres hardly any opening for volunteerism over here, every single expatriate works for money, and the locals, well lets not kid ourselves.
So, in return, the employers/companies don't expect to get help without paying. And if someone offers to help, the offer is taken with a huge amount of doubt, as if that person is after their company jewels.
I would recommend Northwestern University at QF, maybe you can atleast get some decent appreciation for your generous offer, plus some decent company.
Well, theres hardly any opening for volunteerism over here, every single expatriate works for money, and the locals, well lets not kid ourselves.
So, in return, the employers/companies don't expect to get help without paying. And if someone offers to help, the offer is taken with a huge amount of doubt, as if that person is after their company jewels.
I would recommend Northwestern University at QF, maybe you can atleast get some decent appreciation for your generous offer, plus some decent company.