Inna Lillahi wa inna Illaihi Rajioon ...
May his soul rest in peace..
one of the great leader of his times.. after lots of controversies still i liked him.. these few i-e Zulfiqar Bhutto(Pak), Shah Faisal(Saudi), Colonel Qaddafi(Libya) and some others leaders of Islamic countries were working on making an Islamic block.. and they all were killed one by one for different reasons..
one hanged, other killed by nephew, no this one killed brutally.. and the stories go on.. now we have just puppets and morons in the race...
Inna Lillahi wa inna Illaihi Rajioon ...
May his soul rest in peace..
one of the great leader of his times.. after lots of controversies still i liked him.. these few i-e Zulfiqar Bhutto(Pak), Shah Faisal(Saudi), Colonel Qaddafi(Libya) and some others leaders of Islamic countries were working on making an Islamic block.. and they all were killed one by one for different reasons..
one hanged, other killed by nephew, no this one killed brutally.. and the stories go on.. now we have just puppets and morons in the race...