You question was answered in today's newspaper. Answer: The Department of Labour regulates the procedures to amend the profession in accordance to the form filled by those who wish to modify or change his profession. In these procedures the concerned person will submit a letter to the management of the administrative affairs of the company in which he works requesting the amendment of the name mentioned in the identity card with the real name with which he was appointed and what correspondents to the functional task which he performs in the company. On the basis of this letter the management will edit a new work contract for the employee with the new profession and two copies of the certificate will be issued for the person who is concerned with the correct name. The company will fill up the form designed to amend the profession and get the required signatures on the contract and the attached letters as well as the form by the director of the company who is authorised to sign and the papers will be enclosed with the photocopies of the academic degrees obtained by the employee and a personal photo. The contract will be certified by the Department of Labour and the form as well as the attached papers will be submitted in the Department of Labour by the employee who is concerned with the matter personally or through the company’s representative. The matter will be reviewed with the Department of Labour in order to take appropriate action after verifying the legitimacy of the request and then the procedures will be completed in the department of expatriates’ affairs until the amendment of the professional name is done in the identity card and work visa with the passport after paying the prescribed fees.
You question was answered in today's newspaper. Answer: The Department of Labour regulates the procedures to amend the profession in accordance to the form filled by those who wish to modify or change his profession. In these procedures the concerned person will submit a letter to the management of the administrative affairs of the company in which he works requesting the amendment of the name mentioned in the identity card with the real name with which he was appointed and what correspondents to the functional task which he performs in the company. On the basis of this letter the management will edit a new work contract for the employee with the new profession and two copies of the certificate will be issued for the person who is concerned with the correct name. The company will fill up the form designed to amend the profession and get the required signatures on the contract and the attached letters as well as the form by the director of the company who is authorised to sign and the papers will be enclosed with the photocopies of the academic degrees obtained by the employee and a personal photo. The contract will be certified by the Department of Labour and the form as well as the attached papers will be submitted in the Department of Labour by the employee who is concerned with the matter personally or through the company’s representative. The matter will be reviewed with the Department of Labour in order to take appropriate action after verifying the legitimacy of the request and then the procedures will be completed in the department of expatriates’ affairs until the amendment of the professional name is done in the identity card and work visa with the passport after paying the prescribed fees.