obviously,too many are lazy here due to technology,one example in 1 family house you saw minimum 5 cars,even goin to small store in 100 meters aways they have to drive,more than that,now adays here even houses not just buidings or villas has its own elevator,NO wonder abwt it, this country is rich.whAT i mean People are too much dependent with technology.one also reason too mUch obese in this country..
obviously,too many are lazy here due to technology,one example in 1 family house you saw minimum 5 cars,even goin to small store in 100 meters aways they have to drive,more than that,now adays here even houses not just buidings or villas has its own elevator,NO wonder abwt it, this country is rich.whAT i mean People are too much dependent with technology.one also reason too mUch obese in this country..