see?? told you guys.. this time turn things into dogs again.. very mean.. wonder if he does the same at work.. if he does then i would conclude this guy  is a mad man..

nomad maybe he wasnt born there.. this guy is mad.. if this guy grew up in a violent neighborhood, or maybe has a dark past as a result of hes present behevior, then it isint hes fault.. only counseling can help this man..

my passion is to watch solved crimes (US) of serial killers, rapist, phidopiles, brain eaters name it.. all my querry would be why are these men doing such?? in most cases if dug deep into thier past, they do realy have dark past..

atleas now i know why this man is so mad.. and i completely understands him.. maybe he has too much hatred in hes heart.. i just hope he dont enjoy making fun of people.. coz if he does, then this man is seriously ill..

atleas he said he dosnt eat dogs though.. that would mean he has goodness in him left..