I suppose your country dosen't have people who are underpaid and over worked!
wow Lucky you! Can you please tell us where you come from so that these people can go to work and save themselves the trouble of slaving away in Qatar.
Can you please tell me why you feel so unhappy that we have house maids who come here to help support their families?
Why do people see fit to talk about the unjust conditions of workers here while in every country in the civilised world there are citizens who are unemployed, homeless, underpaid and overworked!
OH ooops! My mistake!
Your country has non of that!
Please do tell where that is!!!
My Dear Ms Alumnar: don't tell me that you don't have people in your country engaging house maids to do the menial work! Not All do the dirty dishes and clean the toilets! I have done that and I am not ashamed of doing it if needs be! I raised my kids and looked after them and changed their diabers same as any mother ! but that is not the only thing that I am proud of doing!
I am proud of being honest with myself and others when I say that I enjoy the comfort after the long years of hard work!
I still work hard and give my house maids the opportunity of earning honest living to help keep their families together which is more than many people can say!
By the way they do have their mobiles, satellite TV at their bedroom and weekends! Unless you are of the opinion of sending them back to their country to be poor and hungry again, all to the purpose of making, oh tardy, me clean my toilet!
I suppose your country dosen't have people who are underpaid and over worked!
wow Lucky you! Can you please tell us where you come from so that these people can go to work and save themselves the trouble of slaving away in Qatar.
Can you please tell me why you feel so unhappy that we have house maids who come here to help support their families?
Why do people see fit to talk about the unjust conditions of workers here while in every country in the civilised world there are citizens who are unemployed, homeless, underpaid and overworked!
OH ooops! My mistake!
Your country has non of that!
Please do tell where that is!!!
My Dear Ms Alumnar: don't tell me that you don't have people in your country engaging house maids to do the menial work! Not All do the dirty dishes and clean the toilets! I have done that and I am not ashamed of doing it if needs be! I raised my kids and looked after them and changed their diabers same as any mother ! but that is not the only thing that I am proud of doing!
I am proud of being honest with myself and others when I say that I enjoy the comfort after the long years of hard work!
I still work hard and give my house maids the opportunity of earning honest living to help keep their families together which is more than many people can say!
By the way they do have their mobiles, satellite TV at their bedroom and weekends! Unless you are of the opinion of sending them back to their country to be poor and hungry again, all to the purpose of making, oh tardy, me clean my toilet!
Thanks, I love my life just the way it is!