Since everywhere it is electronic system most of the poor people do not have visa card. In traffic department itself some people instruct us to approch the tea boys if we do not have visa card. they charge only a small fee of QR.5/- not only that in some accident case they use to sell the stamp by charging double price. Aren't they help us? or else what we will do without a visa card?. This is an additional income to some of the hmc staff and traffic staff. Poor workers what else they can do?
Since everywhere it is electronic system most of the poor people do not have visa card. In traffic department itself some people instruct us to approch the tea boys if we do not have visa card. they charge only a small fee of QR.5/- not only that in some accident case they use to sell the stamp by charging double price. Aren't they help us? or else what we will do without a visa card?. This is an additional income to some of the hmc staff and traffic staff. Poor workers what else they can do?