The laws of the place be it here or elsewhere in the gulf gives rise to all this miseries for this helpless workers. The sponsors think that they have bought the maid as a slave and can do what they want. The local goverment be it in Qatar or elsewhere in the gulf treats this sponsors, be it Egyptians or others in a decent and respectable manner then what is it that makes this sponsors be so inhumane and cruel to the less unfortunate. The goverment should have effective, severe and deterrent punishment for this sponsors (Egyptians or others) so that this idiots dont spoil the good name and reputation of Qatar or the other countries where they come from
The laws of the place be it here or elsewhere in the gulf gives rise to all this miseries for this helpless workers. The sponsors think that they have bought the maid as a slave and can do what they want. The local goverment be it in Qatar or elsewhere in the gulf treats this sponsors, be it Egyptians or others in a decent and respectable manner then what is it that makes this sponsors be so inhumane and cruel to the less unfortunate. The goverment should have effective, severe and deterrent punishment for this sponsors (Egyptians or others) so that this idiots dont spoil the good name and reputation of Qatar or the other countries where they come from