I'm happy reading you comment cause It shows how  illiterate you are

From your comments it clearly shows that you have no idea about the development of IPAD / IPhone applications, and you are stuck in the past, or perhaps you’re like many other repeat sentences which you don’t know or understand.

Multitasking: it’s supported almost a year now, we are in release 4.3.4 and there were almost 15 release in between all of them supports multitasking out of the box. So where do you get your information.

Flash, big deal it’s not supported life doesn’t stop on flash, if your concerns to start a website that run flash use different browser which support flash like skyfire and you will have your flash running.

On the other side Flash is an option by Cydia install cydia and look for flash :)


Why Jailbreak:

Good question, it opens new level or era on developments, applications and restrictions that is banded from the telecom companies, i wonder if you can understand the thetring or streaming, or video & audio communication through the 3G restrictions.

Many of the telecom companies offer your 3G at high prices however they make sure that you will use the package only in low bandwidth by restricting your mobile phone, using software in the jailbreak can open up these services

One example is the Facetime restriction in Dubai telecom banded it however after jailbreaking the phone you will be able to start face time.

Many features are there, one of them is to install the paid applications for free, imagine that you have 600,000 applications that you can use it for free!!!

If i wanna explain every feature your little brain will explode before completing the artical

Sync your IPad with PC:

Many applications are there now, gone is the day where you need only ITunes, you can have many supported application like iFunbox, Wifisync etc but I’m sure that you don’t know anything about that however you will still criticize it without trying to know what is it.

It’s clearly that many people is basing their opinion on wrong ideas and it’s okay since this is very sophisticated technology and not everyone is capable of understanding it.

This device was selected the best device invented ever and because of people who doesn’t know anything you criticize the surface based on your poor knowledge and you don’t even try to level your knowledge