There is a sense of alarm here. The animals in the souq are in danger... always have been and always will be as long as unscrupulous people are allowed to import sick and diseased animals.

As long as there is no regulation with regards to how these animals are imported and kept, they will be brought into the country in plane loads and live out their short miserable lives in a tiny cage, with minimal food and water - being a photo opportunity for some bratty kid that wants to pull its ears and tail, praying that someone will come and rescue them... and when someone does - it just means more money for the unscrupulous shop keeper that goes off and buys another batch of sick animals to sell to unsuspecting buyers.

The vets in this country make a fortune out of sick animals bought at the souq - which end up dying anyway.

So many people are dismayed and disgusted by the souq's animal section - its time now for something to be done - finally, the animal rescue groups in Qatar have been heard.