since when? I have a 3 gold russian wedding band... about 15 years old... and the Rose, White and Yellow bands are all still exactly the same colours as when I bought them...
Sorry, but you take it off when you put your hands into water? and it cost you $1300.... for that price, I would never take it off, whatd be the point.
I suggest you contact Bulgari directly and complain. I doubt they will be happy to hear these complaints.
since when? I have a 3 gold russian wedding band... about 15 years old... and the Rose, White and Yellow bands are all still exactly the same colours as when I bought them...
Sorry, but you take it off when you put your hands into water? and it cost you $1300.... for that price, I would never take it off, whatd be the point.
I suggest you contact Bulgari directly and complain. I doubt they will be happy to hear these complaints.