Correct me if i am wrong, this brand is supposed to be an international one right? Please no mischief intended at all but, How many people outside qatar will mention Qatar if you give them 5 chances to say any words that has the letter Q in it? Your guess is as good as mine, very few!

Q doesn't NECESSARILY MEAN its related to Qatar, its just your brand name, Q for uniQue Quality, q the 17th letter of an alphabeth of the most widely spoken language in the world. English. Its just Q as in q, simple... leave watever the Q stands for to the imagination of fans. and i assure you, we humans have a larger than life imagination. Thats branding, give them something to think, dream, aspire, boast and even brag about.:)
or you could still go with the brand, "Kallas", the final word. same effect but no Q, unless you decide to spell it "Qallas" ;D