Will just use that for now, shall we?

Shoprite and MegaMart have a large variety of vegan goods, from Tofu, to Vegan burgers... have two vegan friends, so pretty up on where to go:-)

Yes, unfortunately, welcome also, too the world of desperate men, that is QL... NOT ALL (before some of you jump down my throat) but certainly a large number;-p

You will also be hunted by females, on the prowl;-p Usually in the scheme of 419 emails.... you know the type - Hi, my name is... and I was looking at your profile... type of crap;-p

If you become involved on QL, you can be screened by the QLSG committee, which is lead by our big bad hairy wolf, Darude, and you might be privilaged enough to be invited into the fold...:-)

Come and enjoy the country... Qatar has some fun and adventures, if you are just willing to get out and find it:-)