amyooLOony, do yourself a favour, turn yourself into something useful to kabayans. how about into;

1. a Door Mat
= oh well, the kabayans will surely not agree with me. because they will not let the soles of their shoes to be near a stinky, redundant and extremenly low class door mat.

2. a Trash Bin
= my my, the kabayans will not let their TRASH to be eaten by a deranged pest.

3. a Pet
= like a hamster. Oh, that's an insult to the Rodent world.

4. a Toilet Roll
= what do you say kabayan?, at least you'll remember amyooLOony everytime you wipe that thing. But make sure the "TOILET ROLL" does not smell more than that thing. Otherwise, amyooLOoy will become useless and worthless again forever.

and for the LegalPig, your comments always reflect your history. LOLZ.