He's "your" someone special but to him, you're just "a convenience", an OPTION readily available when he needs YOU.

IT'S ONE FCUKING TRUTH that has been AT YOUR FACE the whole time but you kept holding on because you're hoping for SOMETHING that will never EVER happen.

Of course, he's been there to help you in your "emotional", "financial" and "spiritual" turmoil...BECAUSE he cares for you (no doubt about that)which is a good thing. BUT NOT ENOUGH TO LOVE YOU...phuuuleeeeez...spare me the sob story.

It's either he's (1) married ("wife and kids" back home); he's engaged or already has a girlfriend; (3) you're not the kind of girl he wants to marry (4)His mom doesn't approve the likes of you.

Yup...time flies when you're having fun. Sad thing is, now that you spilt your heart and gut to him...watch him slowly disappear from your life like a mirage.

SORRY girl...you have to wake up to reality. But if you still think YOUR LOVE would change him and his mind to put a ring on your finger...well stock up (a lot of) patience...coz you'll definitely need it.

Good Luck!