To have a job offer, YOU must look for a JOB OPENING.
To find a JOB OPENING, YOU must look for it...
To find one...YOU MUST SEARCH for it by BROWSING the classifieds, online recruitments, QATAR company websites.
Don't get me wrong...but I'm asnwering the OP's next questions...coz this is NOT THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE ASKED THIS QUESTION.
To have a job offer, YOU must look for a JOB OPENING.
To find a JOB OPENING, YOU must look for it...
To find one...YOU MUST SEARCH for it by BROWSING the classifieds, online recruitments, QATAR company websites.
Don't get me wrong...but I'm asnwering the OP's next questions...coz this is NOT THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE ASKED THIS QUESTION.