well Khatak it was a quiet and romantic atmosphere at QL last night, and the winds were blowing and rains drops were falling on my screen, when all of a sudden a forum was thorwn into the arena.and then another forum, and was directed towards hurting a certain group of people.
Well, to cut the story short, a MOD commented to the forum "THIS IS LAST YEARS's STORY.AND THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING".then te forum sublimed and then another forum sublimed and then eventually a user's ID got the OOOpppss thingy.
But if i'll be the judge then not being biased i would say its the winds of change.
Khatak, trust me when i say this, talking of "human beings" Homo sapiens (not hummus and not homos) but pure God fearing Humans they do unite when they see injustice irrespective of race,nation or religion.