that you mention people immigrating to SA, hamada, cause generally South Africa doesn't accept immigrants that easily - It has enough of a jobless situation not to take in immigrants - hence the problem with our borders linked to Zimbabwe... and the illegal immigrant nigerian population.

Yes, I will say there are many young South Africans who still wish for the old south african, I have a saffer friend here, who proudly displays the "old vier kleur" (old SA flag) Frankly, I cannot blame them, when they have lived and fought for SA and then cannot even find a job because if you aren't black - don't bother...

I left SA for reasons other than work or politics - my family have business in SA that I can go back too if I wanted, but I choose to stay here, because its one more job they can give to another Saffer who really needs it. I also don't have any political interest to what happens, since I have a live and let live attitude... If you give someone enough rope, they will hang themselves eventually, and the way the SA government is behaving at the moment, it will come sooner or later, and those that have left will probably return to help rebuild what is left...