you both have valid points.

Hamad no one here have ever claimed that they have only had bad treatment in Qatar... I am one of the first to say, good and bad happens everywhere - doesn't matter where it is...

Since QL is made up largely of expats, we have always welcomed Qataris who give a fresh perspective to the path Qatar needs to go, cause I think most of us just want to see Qatar progress onto the path of success - its does sometimes get us down though, when all we are ever subjected to is degredation: Some Qataris don't see us as human, but merely "slaves".

We might be visitors to your country, but after being here as long as some of us have, we consider this our home to... and we want "our" home to flourish as much as you do.

The frustrating thing about this AFC matter, goes hand in hand with the FIFA bid - the ones who critised have had their fears realised, cause basically, 1 month later, their predictions have come true - unfortunate, yes, but reality non the less.

If Qatar wanted to prove they deserved the bid, don't you think a small scale event like AFC could have been handled better? What confidence does this install when such a rucus has occurred with this event?