Agree with Ice Maiden....

This has got nothing to do with hate... Its got everything to do with being fair.

Can you honestly say you would have been happy with this situation? Buying a ticket to see a match that you get locked out of, because the organisers saw fit to fill your seats with people, just incase you didn't arrive?

Please understand something about QLers... most people here, do appreciate Qatar for the country it is, I know I do, but sometimes, Qatar doesn't treat people correctly, including Qataris (I can tell you Qatari friends stories that make me glad I am not a local)

This issue affected people of all nationalities, and I have yet to hear anyone of this thread say that Qataris got preference to entering.

Please don't make this about us and them... its about the spirit of a game that people didn't get to see, due to an unfair situation:-)