surely, the commentator postulated, as a rich, good looking, successful Hollywood actor, he didn't HAVE to pay women to come to his bed and have sex.
"I don't pay them for sex", said Charlie. "I pay them to leave".
That's exactly how Qatar looks at all of us, and like paid prostitutes, we all have to decide for ourselves whether the peculiarities of this particular "trick" is worth the extra he is paying.
So far, the answer for me is "yes". But that doesn't mean that I don't feel the need for a scrub in a very hot shower every now and again.
surely, the commentator postulated, as a rich, good looking, successful Hollywood actor, he didn't HAVE to pay women to come to his bed and have sex.
"I don't pay them for sex", said Charlie. "I pay them to leave".
That's exactly how Qatar looks at all of us, and like paid prostitutes, we all have to decide for ourselves whether the peculiarities of this particular "trick" is worth the extra he is paying.
So far, the answer for me is "yes". But that doesn't mean that I don't feel the need for a scrub in a very hot shower every now and again.