Remember a thread about a year ago which ran into reams of pages, about the maids from Saudi coming into Qatar to work?
When I say maids from Saudi, I mean maids that are Saudi women....
This kind of statement isn't going to make this poor man popular!!!!
“Why can’t we run these stores which, after all, we legally own? But we are shy of doing such work,” he said in a veiled criticism of his own people and their ‘snobbish’ attitude."
Remember a thread about a year ago which ran into reams of pages, about the maids from Saudi coming into Qatar to work?
When I say maids from Saudi, I mean maids that are Saudi women....
This kind of statement isn't going to make this poor man popular!!!!
“Why can’t we run these stores which, after all, we legally own? But we are shy of doing such work,” he said in a veiled criticism of his own people and their ‘snobbish’ attitude."