I have yet to see you say one positive thing about this matter, in any related topics.... you seem to have a very low opinion of people, irrelevant to there nationality. You seem to think that people will abuse the system and get away with anything - do you really think that the Qatar government will put this into place without any safe guards? Other countries in the world employ foreigners, without sponsorship systems and they work just as well.... I think you aren't giving the Qataris enough credit to put laws in place that will protect both the employee and the employer - and it will force both the latter to be more honest and upfront with their intentions.

"there wouldn't be a looooooooooong human queue for the open positions, people wouldn't be soooo worried about 2 years ban if they already were here and felt "unhappy"! "

When I say many people are unhappy, I mean in their jobs, not in Qatar... but you know as well as I that leaving companies is sometimes difficult because bosses are worried about losing visas and won't accept resignations because they will find it difficult to replace those people. I know, because it happens in my company.

People are frustated with a two year ban that could stop them coming back for a job that would be better for them, thats why!!!! And those that haven't been here yet, will queue up, because they don't know what its like!!!

Its all very well for you to say pack up and leave, but you also know that alot of the labourers in particular have taken loans to pay for the opportunity to work here, so they have no option but to stay and pay back what they owe - they don't have a choice.

I am starting to think you have some kind of fear that your position might be at stake if withdrawel of sponsorships take place - what are you so afraid of?