I actually did this today and had a bit of a scare when I realized that it wasn't even a private driver on their off hours-it was just a young guy driving a friends car. It could have gone very badly, but fortunately, he was a good guy. This was discussed with a friend who told me that her maid of a few years ago, along with a friend were, taken in such a situation and the one girl escaped in a roundabout-the other one was raped brutally.(is there any other way?).
I think that I will be careful to call trusted drivers or Karwa from now on, even if I have to wait a while or pay more. As a middle aged Muslim woman I am likely to be less harrassed than the cute young Philipina's dressed for a night out, but I am still female, still western and whatever-that is not a risk I wish to take.
I would urge all to take caution with this situation, especially when any woman is involved.
I actually did this today and had a bit of a scare when I realized that it wasn't even a private driver on their off hours-it was just a young guy driving a friends car. It could have gone very badly, but fortunately, he was a good guy. This was discussed with a friend who told me that her maid of a few years ago, along with a friend were, taken in such a situation and the one girl escaped in a roundabout-the other one was raped brutally.(is there any other way?).
I think that I will be careful to call trusted drivers or Karwa from now on, even if I have to wait a while or pay more. As a middle aged Muslim woman I am likely to be less harrassed than the cute young Philipina's dressed for a night out, but I am still female, still western and whatever-that is not a risk I wish to take.
I would urge all to take caution with this situation, especially when any woman is involved.