You work you a$$ off to make a living, giving your expertise to a country and then oneday, someone doesn't like something you did - not work related, but maybe having an argument with a Qatari or something along those lines, and thats it, you are gone!!!!
Your hardwork and efforts down the toilet because someone told your sponsor get rid of you... why should there be such a hold over people - we are all human beings - not slaves....
You work you a$$ off to make a living, giving your expertise to a country and then oneday, someone doesn't like something you did - not work related, but maybe having an argument with a Qatari or something along those lines, and thats it, you are gone!!!!
Your hardwork and efforts down the toilet because someone told your sponsor get rid of you... why should there be such a hold over people - we are all human beings - not slaves....