No need to jump to conclusions. Any change requires protecting the employee as well as the EMPLOYER. For some reason people thinking that the proposed system will free up workers from all obligations. Wrong!

I am for it, and I think it is already overdue. But I think the euphoria expressed here by most comments are baseless. I worked for most of my professional career in the US, but I have not seen anyone jumping employers every month, this simply does not work.

Your next employer requires recommendations and records of achievements from your previous one, as well as employment and salary history records. If you jumped so often, you would definitely not be recommended for employment by HR, as they know you will jump away again soon, and be categorized as a "Job Hopper".

As was pointed out earlier, it is a positive pressure on employers to institute systems to protects the rights of their employees, and employee retention mechanisms. It will not become a free market employment as many expect.