their native dialect" frequently on the main forum, even if just for part of the post. To me this is rude and similar to when you are in a group with a common language between you but you choose to speak in a language that certain people don't know. I was raised to think this was rude. More importantly, this is distinctly against the forum rules so making excuses for it doesn't wash in my opinion.
I also hate the hijacking and chit chatting, which are also against the forum rules and I think those people should be warned and banned if they continue. It might be good just to have a thread for chit chatting that stays open all the time so the culprits will stop doing it on every thread they enter.
As for the Love threads, I hate them but unfortunately they are not against the rules. I wish there would be a forum opened for these pathetic lost souls so they would be put out of their misery.
their native dialect" frequently on the main forum, even if just for part of the post. To me this is rude and similar to when you are in a group with a common language between you but you choose to speak in a language that certain people don't know. I was raised to think this was rude. More importantly, this is distinctly against the forum rules so making excuses for it doesn't wash in my opinion.
I also hate the hijacking and chit chatting, which are also against the forum rules and I think those people should be warned and banned if they continue. It might be good just to have a thread for chit chatting that stays open all the time so the culprits will stop doing it on every thread they enter.
As for the Love threads, I hate them but unfortunately they are not against the rules. I wish there would be a forum opened for these pathetic lost souls so they would be put out of their misery.