menfolk of Asian nationalities flock and Nepalese, Sri Langkan, Bangladeshi, Indians, Filipinos, Pakistanis, etc.
These menfolks are either storehelpers, storekeepers, delivery guys, private car drivers and others.
THERE you go...I'm a RACIST...and I'm Asian :)
Seriously though, when I do some shopping in that area,I'm on a BIOTCH MODE coz most often than not, I get stared at and get rude comments remarks "from my kabayans"...(surprise...surprise).
I go back to them and cuss them back...and what they usually say to me? "Oppps, sorry...we thought you're not Filipina...OR...Ay,Ma'am ___ it's you...we didn't recognized you.(WTH!!) And they apologize and walk away with their tail between their legs.
IMO...STARING AT WOMAN is RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL...It makes one wonder if their "mothers" ever told them that or they simply forgot their manners.
menfolk of Asian nationalities flock and Nepalese, Sri Langkan, Bangladeshi, Indians, Filipinos, Pakistanis, etc.
These menfolks are either storehelpers, storekeepers, delivery guys, private car drivers and others.
THERE you go...I'm a RACIST...and I'm Asian :)
Seriously though, when I do some shopping in that area,I'm on a BIOTCH MODE coz most often than not, I get stared at and get rude comments remarks "from my kabayans"...(surprise...surprise).
I go back to them and cuss them back...and what they usually say to me? "Oppps, sorry...we thought you're not Filipina...OR...Ay,Ma'am ___ it's you...we didn't recognized you.(WTH!!) And they apologize and walk away with their tail between their legs.
IMO...STARING AT WOMAN is RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL...It makes one wonder if their "mothers" ever told them that or they simply forgot their manners.