nomerci a racist and said that anyone pointing out what certain nationalities do/are is racist. See, that is my problem with what you wrote. I couldn't care less that someone criticises my nationality or culture by stating the truth. Yes, many of us can't handle our drink and we have bad teeth. Does it make me racist to state the truth?

And I know that everywhere you go you might run the risk of a man staring disrespectfully. But in Qatar it is certain types that do this and yes, they are USUALLY from Central Asia and the subcontinent and certain social/economic/educational/class background. That by no means is to say that ALL men from the subcontinent are like that. I rather doubt you would ever catch Whyteknight, garderene, khattak or even Cryspy behaving in this manner. But yes, there is a certain type that are the worst offenders and I refuse to tiptoe around it because you are going to label me a racist.