I respect others views as long as they respect mine !!

Since beginning these guys are bulls**ting about Qatar.. its culture or WC bid..

My only point is, you support US, Australia, Japan.. any country of your choice.. but why always you butt-in whenever someone tries to say something positive about Qatar's bid?? Are you that afraid and jealous of Qatar?

Show me a single thread here where any guy would have ever talked that bad about US, Australia or other nations bids?? Are those countries heaven on earth ??

These morons are earning here..of course feeding their families.. and almost everyday..there is a thread of Qatar bashing.. what would u say about it?? If Qatar is that bad.. what the hell are you doing here as an expatriate ??

Greatest stupidity is to just say.. "it's a business..I am selling my time here and they are buying"... In fact, you are selling it at their terms & conditions.. isn't it ?? As u have got no other option seemingly.

"But.. then who will feed your poor family.. oh sorry.. u can never do that !! ch ch ch :-("

was in response to gadarene's:

"And please stop the sucking up,your subservience is making some us sick,the only thing left for you to do is to lie flat & ask them to walk over you.."