you seem to think that we in the west, or the UK as you are seem to be specifically targetting them, are able to change the mind set of people...
"and the breed you are talking about, the british muslims, they are product of you ppl... whts so islamic is in them??
making adultry and drinking a fun,
shortning women clothes
all these and such things are transformed by you ppl which was not even there in many beliefs..."
Lol, you give us far to much credit...
You are not giving the westeners on this forum a very good impression of Arabs or Muslims - what you are making out is that Arabs or Muslims don't think for themselves and aren't very bright - (I have Arab/Muslim friends that wouldn't be impressed with you either for giving that kind of view of them) you are also giving us the impression that Arabs and Muslims can be led around by their noses and cannot make their own decisions...
So, just to clarify, if all the Britons decided to commit suicide by jumping of London Bridge, would the Muslims, who knows its Haram in Islam, join them?
you seem to think that we in the west, or the UK as you are seem to be specifically targetting them, are able to change the mind set of people...
"and the breed you are talking about, the british muslims, they are product of you ppl... whts so islamic is in them??
making adultry and drinking a fun,
shortning women clothes
all these and such things are transformed by you ppl which was not even there in many beliefs..."
Lol, you give us far to much credit...
You are not giving the westeners on this forum a very good impression of Arabs or Muslims - what you are making out is that Arabs or Muslims don't think for themselves and aren't very bright - (I have Arab/Muslim friends that wouldn't be impressed with you either for giving that kind of view of them) you are also giving us the impression that Arabs and Muslims can be led around by their noses and cannot make their own decisions...
So, just to clarify, if all the Britons decided to commit suicide by jumping of London Bridge, would the Muslims, who knows its Haram in Islam, join them?
Think carefully before you answer...