'omershah said nic / adey / ukeng...... ...
islam is not a bible which u can change according to ur wils, desires and dirty mindsets..... there is no possibility tht we could alter any thing which disrespect anyone.. the things which needed to be altered are done already according to the needs of today's world

and the breed you are talking about, the british muslims, they are product of you ppl... whts so islamic is in them??'

and if you read my post, I spoke about morals.... clearly you cannot grasp the concept...

Cryspy, the reason we didn't reply to the thread you have posted, is because most of us couldn't give a flying feather what the Pope chooses to do at the Vatican... thats his decision... unlike if it was a Muslim that was being denied entry, we wouldn't hear the end of it...

When will you all learn to live and let live? If it doesn't affect you directly, who gives a toss?

Read more: http://www.qatarliving.com/node/1352356?page=1#ixzz12jB7IBZZ