My Husband working in qatar for 7 years, His company send me a work visa and employment contract,We have a friend work in agency here in the phil ca help me assist my Documents, when she saw my contract its already verify by the polo owwa, but she still looking a direct hire? as long as this agency is not right to process my documents, she send me to POEA and look which agency is auhorized to process my documents, but i found out name of my contract trace by the POEA was a black listed? so is no other way i can use this? How come the POLO OWWA Verify this contract if is not valid?
Pleased i need your help
My Husband working in qatar for 7 years, His company send me a work visa and employment contract,We have a friend work in agency here in the phil ca help me assist my Documents, when she saw my contract its already verify by the polo owwa, but she still looking a direct hire? as long as this agency is not right to process my documents, she send me to POEA and look which agency is auhorized to process my documents, but i found out name of my contract trace by the POEA was a black listed? so is no other way i can use this? How come the POLO OWWA Verify this contract if is not valid?
Pleased i need your help