the kind of offenses like hanging a baby on the wall with celo-tape? And what about teenagers like the ones in the OP. Back home now, the poor l'il lad is given 6 months of "therapy" at taxpayers' expense, time in a youth facility and then set up back in his township on the dole since he is no doubt "traumatized" by his time in the youth facility and unable to work or contribute to society. They are leeches.
the kind of offenses like hanging a baby on the wall with celo-tape? And what about teenagers like the ones in the OP. Back home now, the poor l'il lad is given 6 months of "therapy" at taxpayers' expense, time in a youth facility and then set up back in his township on the dole since he is no doubt "traumatized" by his time in the youth facility and unable to work or contribute to society. They are leeches.