People are afraid to confront Qataris when they see them doing something illegal or just plain wrong. Last night I was out with a Qatari colleague looking at some shops for a few things for a project we have and he experienced a few things that expats are always complaining about here on qatarliving. At one point 2 Qataris were in their landcruisers parked side my side, blocking the road in the al saad area and were just having a friendly chat. It was within 20 meters of a policeman and the cars were backed up for more than a block behind these two twats. I was driving and my colleague got out of the car, went up and told the guys to take their portable majlis elsewhere. After that he went to the policeman and ripped him a new one for not making the 2 local guys move.

A bit later, we were in carrefour at city center when 2 women in nikab just pushed their trolley right into him to puch him out of the way while they tried to get to the check-out. He called them out on it and they looked shocked, moving and taking a place in another line. I told him that is what we expats deal with frequently, especially with the ninja ladies who think they own the country and are irritated at having to breathe the same air as us. He asked me why don't people say something to Qataris when they are in the wrong because they'll never change if we don't.