
My point was, that since Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but to us he is the Son of God, we don't get offended by hearing your belief that to you he is a prophet... it is your belief, just that...

But it would seem anytime the Quran is challenged, then its a big hue and cry and apologies are demanded.

I cannot tell you the number of times in the past we have been told here on QL that the bible is 'rubbish' it isn't really God's word... but we don't get all up in arms about it... you believe what you are taught, and we believe what we are taught.

God will deal with the people as deemed fit, which ever religion is correct.

If you live your life like a good Muslim or Christian, you will be rewarded.

BTW, I did try to watch the links you gave me, but they where made in the 1980's and the sound quality was horrendous, I could hardly hear anything:-(