I find it disturbing that you are on a social forum asking people how to go about destroying your father.
While he might not be worth much as a father, since he has left you all behind and carried on with his life - I am trying to understand what justice you will get from getting him arrested or deported.
You won't get anything out of him if this is the case... it will probably on serve to increase what I think are already very strained relations...
Forget him, he isn't worth the time and effort you are spending in trying to track him down or make trouble for him... he will get his dues one day... the wheel does turn.
I find it disturbing that you are on a social forum asking people how to go about destroying your father.
While he might not be worth much as a father, since he has left you all behind and carried on with his life - I am trying to understand what justice you will get from getting him arrested or deported.
You won't get anything out of him if this is the case... it will probably on serve to increase what I think are already very strained relations...
Forget him, he isn't worth the time and effort you are spending in trying to track him down or make trouble for him... he will get his dues one day... the wheel does turn.