The Felix kitten milk they sell is for slightly older kittens that will supplement their meat diet that they will start on.
If there was a kitten milk for sale that we could use for kittens other then the formula we have to buy at the vets, we would... as the vets are more expensive and QAWS really battles to afford it. I am sure the one by Felix is probably cheaper, but not used to feed tiny kittens:-(
Puppies are so much easier - we have found a recipe online by a reputable breeder that uses it from birth till bottle feeding is over and is so much cheaper than the vet formula (puppies can also use lactol free baby milk)- but with kittens their digestive tracts are much more sensitive.
The Felix kitten milk they sell is for slightly older kittens that will supplement their meat diet that they will start on.
If there was a kitten milk for sale that we could use for kittens other then the formula we have to buy at the vets, we would... as the vets are more expensive and QAWS really battles to afford it. I am sure the one by Felix is probably cheaper, but not used to feed tiny kittens:-(
Puppies are so much easier - we have found a recipe online by a reputable breeder that uses it from birth till bottle feeding is over and is so much cheaper than the vet formula (puppies can also use lactol free baby milk)- but with kittens their digestive tracts are much more sensitive.