'Mrs Paulicivic's husband is also named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit which states he was 'permanently injured and damaged' because of the lack of intimacy between the couple as a result of the hysterectomy.
Paulicivic's lawsuit does not specify monetary damages'
Ummm... you have to be kidding me.... Did the doctor force her to have the hysterectomy? Was it a medical condition, or because she didn't want any more kids. One of the known side effects is loss of sexual libido after a hysterectomy due to the fact that most times they remove the overies which are responsible for making the hormones that give a women sex drive (DrM can be more specific) This is not the doctors fault.
Branding the uterus?... ok... not common, but who cares... it was going to be disposed of anyway....
'Mrs Paulicivic's husband is also named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit which states he was 'permanently injured and damaged' because of the lack of intimacy between the couple as a result of the hysterectomy.
Paulicivic's lawsuit does not specify monetary damages'
Ummm... you have to be kidding me.... Did the doctor force her to have the hysterectomy? Was it a medical condition, or because she didn't want any more kids. One of the known side effects is loss of sexual libido after a hysterectomy due to the fact that most times they remove the overies which are responsible for making the hormones that give a women sex drive (DrM can be more specific) This is not the doctors fault.
Branding the uterus?... ok... not common, but who cares... it was going to be disposed of anyway....
Money grabbers, me thinks...