want a flashing sign at the back of my car that says "keep a safe following distance of 3 seconds"

back home, if you mark a certain point on the road that the car infront of you goes past... you should be able to count 1 thousand and 1, 1 thousand and 2, 1 thousand and 3, before passing the same point... then you know you have a safe following distance...

Here, there is just no concept. I have now gotten to a stage... when someone starts to tailgate me - especially in the middle (I move over if in the fast lane), I slow down... I don't put my foot on the break (sometimes I might tap it, just to show them I am slowing up for traffic ahead), but I take my foot off the accelerator... They soon get irritated enough and move over. Heaven help if I am hooted at or tailgated in the slow lane (which has been happening frequently of late).... I slow right down and crawl, literally.... and I do that just to p*ss them off....